Mark Szaflarski, P.C. – October 2009 to Present
- Sole Practitioner concentrating in Plaintiff’s personal injury and Social Security Disability representation.
- Contract work performed for other attorneys, including medical records review and analysis, legal research, abstracts, brief writing, litigation support, deposition and court coverage.
Brustin & Lundblad, Ltd. – July 2006 to September 2009
- Plaintiffs’ trial attorney involved in obtaining over $9,000,000.00 in 11 jury trials (1 medical negligence, 1 construction, 6 motor vehicle, and 3 premises trials). Duties included all facets of representation of clients from initial intake through trial and appellate brief writing.
Pfaff & Gill, Ltd., Chicago IL – July 2004 to July 2006
- Plaintiffs’ trial attorney in 1 medical negligence and 1 premises liability jury trial. Duties included all facets of representation of clients from initial intake through trial.
Joel H. Greenburg, Ltd., Chicago IL – September 1987 to June 2004
- Plaintiffs’ trial attorney involved in trying 7 medical negligence, 4 motor vehicle jury trials, and 1 Chancery bench trial, as well as briefing and arguing 1 federal and 2 state appellate cases. Duties included all facets of representation of clients, as well as office administration.
Law Offices of Arthur S. Gomberg, Chicago, IL – May 1985 to September 1987
- Plaintiff’s trial attorney and claimant’s Social Security Disability representative. Duties included all facets of representation of clients from initial intake through trial or hearing. Previously employed during law school as a clerk.
Legal Services Program of Northern Indiana, Inc., South Bend, IN – 1979 – 1982
- Paralegal for Legal Aid Office with responsibilities including Nursing Home Ombudsman, landlord-tenant and consumer law support.
- DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL., J.D., May, 1985. G.P.A. 3.6/4.0. Graduated with Honors (Top 5%); Editor, DePaul Law Review.
- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. B.A., English, May, 1979.
- State of Illinois, admitted in 1985.
- United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, admitted to the General Bar in 1985 and the Trial Bar in 2006.
- United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, admitted in 1990.
Chicago Bar Association
- Chair of the CBA Tort Litigation Committee. 2001 – 2002.
- CBA representative to the Illinois Supreme Court Rules Committee’s hearing on the amendment of Supreme Court Rule 213.
- Chair of Housing Sub-Committee for the Justice for Youth Campaign. 1991-1992.
- Co-Chair of the CBA Young Lawyers Section Homeless and Runaway Youth Committee. 1989 – 1991.
- Current member of the Civil Practice, Social Security Law, and Tort Litigation Committees.
Illinois State Bar Association
- Judicial Evaluation Committee 2000-2004.
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association
- Amicus Curie Awards 2000, 2001, 2003.
- Chicago Bar Association. Moderator, “Motion Practice in the Law Division” Seminar. 2001 to present.
- Chicago Bar Association. Seminar Moderator, “Learn How New Supreme Court Rule 213 Will Affect your Practice.” June 13, 2002.
- Association of Legal Administrators. Speaker on Tort Law, “Disaster Recovery Planning Seminar.” December 18, 2001.
- Illinois Trial Lawyers Association. Author, “Medical Malpractice Trial Notebook – Closing Argument.” 2001 – 2009.
- Chicago Bar Association, Tort Litigation Committee’s Tort Reporter. Author, “Remittitur.” Published March 2010.
- Ascension Catholic Elementary School, Oak Park IL. School Board Member, 2001-2004. Secretary, 2006 to 2012. Girls’ Basketball Coach 2008 to 2011.